Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Clark's Bracketology

I was supposed to have spent the last half hour punching out 1,500 words about this Thursday's opening round of the mens NCAA tournament (did I really need that qualifier in front of NCAA?), and instead I spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out what "Postscript error" meant and why it was forcing my computer to either: "Hold cue" "Try Again" or "Cancel This Job". At any rate, this half hour of aggravation got me to thinking, "Who really wants to read another 1,500 words about the tournament anyway?" So I figured I'd do something a little different (which would get out the door and in front of my lunch in time for lunch) and just show you who I picked. I've shown you my bracket, now show me yours. (email it)

NCAA Bracket-original

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